
  1. 1.When did you first encounter Jesus?
  2. What changed after that?
  3. What’s your “Jericho” that you think God can’t enter? (A place that’s pain or hardship from the past)
  4. Do you believe God specially came for you and called you by name?
  5. How can you encounter God daily?


  1. What’s the best news you’ve ever received? Why?
  2. Have you ever felt too ordinary to be used by God? How?
  3. What’s one great moment and one hard moment in your life? Can you relate to Peter’s mix of highs and lows?
  4. How does your mouth get you in trouble?
  5. Do you ever feel like God’s way isn’t how you’d do it? How do you handle that?
  6. Do you believe the LORD wants to use you? Do you believe He wants to radically change you? How do you believe He may do so?


    1. What ways in your life do you minimize the severity of sin?
    2. When you think of God’s holiness, what comes to mind?
    3. When you consider the depth of our sin and the height of God’s holiness, how does it affect your view of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross?
    4. Read Ezekiel 11:19-20. Share a testimony on how God has changed your heart and led
    5. you towards obedience to his Word.


        1. Do you really want God’s presence/purpose to be first/best in your life? If so, are you willing to take up your cross daily and follow Him for it?
        2. Do you believe God has more for your life?
        3. Read John 15:12-17 and write down what’s a promise, a truth, and a command then believe, trust, and obey!
        4. How does James 5:16 tie into this scripture?
        5. Share an unconfessed sin with a friend or family member this week and ask them to pray for you

            Glen Rose:

            1. What was your favorite childhood TV show? Who was your favorite character, and why?
            2. Read Matthew 6:10. What do you think “Your kingdom come” means?
            3. How were the disciples’ lives changed through their relationship with Jesus?
            4. When you surrendered your life to Jesus, what changes did you see?
            5. What has been the hardest decision you’ve made to obey the Lord?