A better marriage starts here.
Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect.

Would you rate your marriage as a 2 or a 10? Maybe even a 0?
You are not alone. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited, or is in need of a complete resurrection, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. Re|engage offers hope to marriages by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching and small groups. Join us for this 16-week experience which includes a time of music, prayer, a teaching or testimony by a couple who has experienced victory in the midst of hard times, and small group time which follows a specified curriculum.
Stories of Hope
Resources to help any marriage.
Monthly Marriage Check-In QuestionsStoneWater IT2024-02-13T08:49:45-06:00
- Thank
- How did I make you feel loved this past month?
- Forgive
- How did I hurt you this past month?
- Learn
- What is one thing you learned about me this past month?
- Encourage
- How do you see God working in my life?
- Prepare
- What ways can I serve you this next month?
Book OptionsStoneWater IT2024-02-13T08:58:36-06:00
For Married Couples
- Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller
- A Lasting Promise: The Christian Guide to Fighting for Your Marriage by Scott Stanley
- The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
- You and Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan
For Seriously Dating / Engaged Couples
- Single. Dating. Engaged. Married. by Ben Stuart
- Outdated by Jonathan Pokluda