Interested in Becoming a Member of StoneWater Church?
We believe membership is an important step in the maturing life of a follower of Jesus. The Bible reminds us that we are not designed to do life alone. We are to be connected to the body of Christ, to be part of a family, and use our unique gifts to grow His Kingdom.
In the simplest form, it’s a way for your pastors and leaders to know who is in the family, who needs care, and who needs equipping to fulfill their purpose. It is also a commitment that you make to live out the truths of the scriptures with one another and be a part of a family of believers.
You profess to be saved by Jesus.
You have been baptized or are actively pursuing your next steps in baptism.
You agree with our 8 Essential Beliefs.
You commit to following our 7 Family Values.
You will work to stay connected to the larger church body by being in a Group.
Commit to equipping you to become a disciple-maker of Jesus
Will work to care for your soul with all the resources available
Strive to follow God’s leadership as He leads StoneWater Church
To become a member, attend our membership class called StoneWater 101. StoneWater 101 occurs on the first Sunday of each month during the second service at each of our campuses. You only have to attend once!
You’ll have an opportunity to meet our Pastors and receive a direct line of communication to all of our leadership at the church.
We’ll also share:
- The vision, values, and beliefs of the church
- What makes StoneWater unique
- A better understanding of the commitment of membership
- All the ministries available to serve you and your family
- Ways you can connect with the church through groups
At the end of the class, we help you take your next step. This could include:
- Getting connected with our Baptism Team if you have not previously been baptized.
- Connecting into a StoneWater Group. We have a variety of groups you may be interested in.
- Answer any specific questions you may have about our leadership structure, finances, future plans, etc.
We believe the Bible represents baptism as an outward expression of an inward decision to place your faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We practice believer’s baptism as further described in the link below. You can read more, talk with someone from the Baptism Team, or sign up for our next baptism event at
We have a unique team specially trained and experienced in walking with families through their child’s salvation and baptism.
At StoneWater, we work to ensure that if you are part of a Group, you will be known and loved. We are created to be in relationship with others in community as we navigate the twists and turns of daily life. Groups are where we interact with God’s Word, pray and encourage one another with God’s Spirit, and carry out “the one anothers” of scripture with God’s people.
Click here to find a group. You will also see information about starting a group.
We understand that at 101, you received a lot of information and needed time to pray and process. We believe it is wise to take your time and consider your commitment. If you’ve now decided to commit to membership with StoneWater Church, please email
Our seven family values direct how we walk out encouragement and discipline within our church. The first four family values describe how we interact with each other, while the last three outline how we interact with the larger church body.
As a member of StoneWater, you are committing to do the following:
- Put the goals & interests of others above your own.
- Live an honest & open life before others.
- Give and receive scriptural correction.
- Clear up relationships.
- Participate in the ministry.
- Support the work financially.
- Follow spiritual leadership within scriptural limits.
Visit HERE for our Essential Beliefs.