Group Questions2024-01-16T12:14:35-06:00

Group Questions | Let’s Go: Week 8

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1. What specifically did God design you for? 2. Give a story of when you asked God, and He answered? 3. How well can you discern God's voice daily? 4. What's holding you back from [...]

Group Questions | Let’s Go: Week 7

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1. How is the “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20) timeless? 2. Read 1 Peter 3:15 and Revelation 12:11. Why is knowing our testimony in Christ important? How can we work on it (“be prepared”)? 3. Read [...]

Group Questions | Let’s Go: Week 6

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1. What does Master mean to you? 2. How important is God's will in your life, and are you willing to submit to it? 3. How difficult is irrational thinking for you? 4. Do you [...]

Group Questions | Let’s Go: Week 5

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Read: Acts 8:26-40 and Acts 21:8-9 (20+ Years Later).1. What are the different ways God has spoken to you? 2. Was the Ethiopian Jewish or a Gentile? Why does it matter? 3. Read Isaiah 53. [...]

Group Questions | Let’s Go: Week 4

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Read: Mark 5:1-20 1. What do you think people said about the demonized man? 2. How did the demons know the true identity of Jesus? 3. What intentions did the demons have for the man? [...]

Group Questions | Let’s Go: Week 3

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Let's Go: RARE Dads 1. Describe your dad...good, bad, or ugly. 2. Read Proverbs 14:26 and discuss how this applies to the home. 3. Which of the 4 qualities of a RARE Leader do you [...]

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