My Problem With God Is…

Sunday, September 15

Clark begins by stating “If we are going to believe in God, then we must ask what the evidence is for his existence. What proofs and clues are there that an all-powerful, eternal, infinite being actually exists?” His arguments are then categorized into two primary areas, the morality of people, and the order of the universe. In short, why do we have an innate desire to do what’s right, to lay down our life for people we love instead of doing whatever necessary to advance ourselves. “The very fact that something within us is repelled by racism, sexism, and unequal treatment of the poor and disabled begs the question that such convictions would have to come from somewhere, for they are not natural.” The chapter goes on to provide evidence against the Big Bang Theory, as well as evolution, and supports evidence of an intelligent design.

Getting Started:

  1. Take a few minutes as a group and share what portions of the book or the Sunday morning message where interesting to you. What was most “eye opening” as you heard and read about an intelligent designer.
  2. On pg.58, Clark writes “The laws that govern physical matter would need to exist prior to the big bang. They could not come into existence at the same moment as the big bang itself or else they would not do their work.” Based on your faith and beliefs, what existed first? When did the laws of physics exist? Heaven? Hell? Angels? Jesus? Holy Spirit? Devil?
  3. Theories and opinions regarding creation are readily available today. How do you lead your kids, grandkids or young people through the discovery process to determine what they believe is truth vs theory? How do they do this while honoring God and loving people along the way?
  4. Based on the information you’ve read in this book, and the discussion that took place, do you feel your confidence in God has increased? Do you feel you have more questions than when you started? What is your next step with this new position? This may be intentional conversations with your kids, other family, friends, co-workers?

Going Deeper:

  1. Prior to reading this chapter or listening to the message, how would you explain our society’s desire to live by a moral code or a desire to “do the right thing”? In your own words, how do you explain the fact that we as a whole are against murder, or racism, or other “wrong things”?
  2. Many people believe that the creation of the universe was simply a “lucky”, single occurrence (Big Bang Theory). Clark shares a poker analogy where the odds of the universe being created consistent with the Big Bang is equivalent to being dealt a perfect royal flush in poker every hand, forever. Why do you believe so many people feel it is easy to believe in the Big Bang, when they would never believe in the poker analogy?
  3. If someone came to you and argued that the Grand Canyon was created millions of years ago, how would you began to use your faith in God to defend the creation story? What are other examples of theories people share and we accept as facts when it relates to creation and the universe?