Application forms:
- New (DS-11) – $165
- Renewal (DS-82) – $130 – a renewal is required if the passport expiration date is within 6 months of the departure date from the foreign country
- Lost or Stolen (DS-64) – required if lost or stolen as well as for replacing
Passports cost approximately $130.00 and are good for ten years. (Add $30 for the card) **costs can change. It generally takes 8–11 weeks to get a passport. If you don’t have a current passport, begin the process as soon as possible. Call or stop by your local post office to find out where to pick up an application. Or visit the following web sites:
StoneWater Church has a few of the DS-11 and DS-82 forms on-hand in the office. You will need the following documents and information for a passport:
- A completed passport application. DO NOT sign; must be witnessed by a US Post Office (USPS) employee.
- A certified copy of your birth certificate. (It must have the embedded government stamp. This is not the original with your baby footprints on it.)
- Two identical 2” X 2” photos. You can have these photos taken at USPS ($15), CVS ($17), Walgreens ($17), Staples ($15) or Wal-Mart ($8) store.
- A driver’s license.
- You should also have your social security number on hand. (You don’t need the actual card, but just the number to put on the application.)
You will need to setup an appointment at a local USPS that provides ‘passport’ services. In the Granbury, TX area this is Acton USPS.