This week we heard about King Jehoshaphat and the three wise decisions that he made – they are outlined below:
- He asked God for help (2 Chronicles 20:3-4)
King Jehoshaphat asked God for help when he face an insurmountable obstacle. When you face significant obstacles, do you turn to God in prayer and cry out for help or do you typically try and solve the problem yourself?
2. He remembered God’s promises (2 Chronicles 20:6, 12)
What are some of the promises from God that are laid out in scripture that you hang onto?
3. He listened to counsel from a godly man (2 Chronicles 20:13-17)
Do you have someone in your life that you can turn to for godly counsel? If not then what are some ways you can think of to establish that?
When King Jehoshaphat took action with humility (2 Chronicles 20:18), conviction (2 Chronicles 20:20) and leadership (2 Chronicles 20:21), what was the end result (2 Chronicles 20:22. 24, 27, 30)? What conclusion can you draw from this in your own life?