Pastor Randy made the statement; “In the plan of God, He wants to take you to that place where you have to say that this is all I can stand and I can’t stand no more”. Why do you think God takes us or allows us to get to that point?
Do you have a situation in your life currently where you “can’t stand no more”? If so, then process through it with the understanding that as long as you are with Jesus then you will make it.
What is your initial response when faced with high demand and little resource?
John 6 tells the story of the young boy who willing gave what he had to feed the multitudes. How does that relate to your life? Do you live a generous lifestyle? If not, then what holds you back from that?
The biggest question of the day; are you really with Jesus? Have you experienced His grace and His love? If not, then what is holding you back from that? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to a Christian friend or StoneWater church and have them guide you through what it means to say “I am with Jesus”.